Synonyms: prestigious. Definition: exerting influence by reason of high status or prestige. Usage: a prestigious professor at a prestigious university.Synonyms for prestigious in Free Thesaurus. 30 synonyms for prestigious: celebrated, respected, prominent, great, important, imposing, impressive, influential, esteemed, notable...Synonyms "prestigious" in the picture.Prestigious Synonyms in Adjective Form. esteemed, renowned, respected, prominent, eminent, distinguished, illustrious, reputable, high-class, superior, notable, outstanding, exalted, celebrated...Another word for prestigious: celebrated, respected, prominent, great, important | Collins English Additional synonyms. in the sense of eminent. Definition. well-known and well-respected.
Prestigious synonyms, prestigious antonyms -
Synonyms: prestigious. reputable, distinguished, respected, esteemed, eminent, august, highly regarded, well-thought-of, acclaimed, authoritative, celebrated, illustrious, leading, renowned...Search. Synonyms. Conjugate. Speak. Suggest new translation/definition. prestigious. celebrated, eminent, esteemed, exalted, great, illustrious, important, imposing, impressive, influential, notable...More 300 Prestigious synonyms. What are another words for Prestigious? If you know synonyms for Prestigious, then you can share it or put your rating in listed similar words.Prepositions. Rhymes. Synonyms. Antonyms. Advanced. 16 Synonyms for « prestigious ». Click any word from sentences to quickly get its definition.
Synonyms for prestigious | prestigious... - ISYNONYM.COM
Prestigious - synonyms. Total 125 synonym synonyms found for prestigious.Find another word for prestigious . In this page you can discover 35 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for prestigious , like: famous, distinguished, eminent, renowned...Prestigious definition, indicative of or conferring prestige: the most prestigious address in town. SYNONYMS FOR prestigious. 1 distinguished. 2 respected, illustrious, notable.Find 25 ways to say PRESTIGIOUS, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at USE prestigious IN A SENTENCE. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.Synonyms for prestigious in English including definitions, and related words. prestigious. - exerting influence by reason of high status or prestige 1.
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