5. What is the writer's opinion of apps? A) We need to be careful when we use them. B) They are best used for entertainment.Literary realism, in particular, introduced a new way of writing and a new generation of authors whose Literary realism is part of the realist art movement that started in nineteenth-century France and The roots of literary realism lie in France, where realist writers published works of realism in...Generally, realist writers tend to judge the real things with the general perceptions and from the basics only realism is opposite to idealism. Hence realist writers disapprove of the fanciful treatment of the material.Different types of writing text types for teachers and students. Understand text structure for a range While all of these forms of text have the written word in common, each has its own unique features In Conclusion. Understanding the various aspects of the different writing genres will help students to...Romanticism (also known as the Romantic era) was an artistic, literary, musical, and intellectual movement that originated in Europe towards the end of the 18th century...
What Is Literary Realism? Definition and Examples of... - MasterClass
Fast writing The students write quickly on a topic for five to ten minutes without worrying about correct language or punctuation. Writing as quickly as possible, if they cannot think of a word they leave a space or write it in their own language. The important thing is to keep writing. Later this text is revised.Some of the main characteristics of Romantic literature are a focus on the writer or narrator's emotions and inner world, a celebration of nature, beauty, and imagination, a rejection of industrialization and organized religion, and the inclusion of supernatural or mythological elements.Within a longer piece of writing. Indeed, on its own, descriptive writing is usually brief—but it also makes regular appearances as an element of lengthier styles, like The narrative style of writing tells a story. Its hallmark is a plot with a beginning, middle, and end, like so: Romeo and Juliet's families...Expository writing is one of the most common types of writing. When an author writes in an expository style, all they are trying Descriptive writing is often found in fiction, though it can make an appearance in nonfiction as well (for example, memoirs, first-hand accounts of events, or travel guides).

What aspect of romantic writing did realist writers disapprove of?
Romantic writers are interest in history or legends, with a formal and inflated language, made up, exotic or mysterious settings and extravagant characters. Making so letter D correct, realist writers disapprove romantics for its "fanciful treatment of material".They disapproved of the sexual content that was often wrote about.They disapproved of many things that the romantic writing was about. Because the realists were all about the realistic, everyday life, and they despised all the feelings and emotions and fantasy that the romanticists wrote about often. The realists disapproved of the fanciful treatment of material that...Writing competence is necessary, but is not sufficient. Writers who are competent, who have acquired the code, may still be unable to display their competence because of inefficient composing processes. Efficient composing processes, writing ''performance", can be developed via sheer practice as well as...The term Romanticism does not stem directly from the concept of love, but rather from the French word romaunt (a romantic story told in verse). Romanticism focused on emotions and the inner life of the writer, and often used autobiographical material to inform the work or even provide a template for...
The realist art is in keeping with the concrete and real things and places. Its characters are strange folks with the on a regular basis language used. Its most effective pastime is to constitute the recent or recent lifestyles and events.
Because of that, it has no approval for the romantic manner of representing issues, because it goes against its believes. Romantic writers are pastime in historical past or legends, with a formal and inflated language, made up, exotic or mysterious settings and lavish characters. Making so letter D correct, realist writers disapprove romantics for its "fanciful treatment of material".
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